Quotation & motivation 2024.

Quotation & motivation 2024.

Quotation & motivation 2024:We have brought some motivational phrases for you, which can become a big reason for change in your life. Consider them as your guide and move forward.

1. Do not listen to what people say . whtch what they do,

2. I dont’ trust words, i trust action only.

3. judge me when you are perfect.

4. People reveal themselve through their action.

5. A tiger doesn’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep,

6. Remind yourself that you can not fail at being yourself.

7. No matter situation never let your emotions overpwer your intelligence.

8. Do not use your energy to worry, use your energy to believe.

9.Everyone has two eyes, but no one has to same view,

10. Stop giving CPR to dead situations.

11. Be thankful for all the struggles you go through, they make you wiser, stronger, and humble, do not let it break you, let it make you,

quotation & motivation

12. Do not raise your voice improve your argument.

13,people lose their way when they lose their why.

14. Only dead fish go with the flow.

15.Growth is painful, change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck some where you do not belong.

16. It is your life do not let anyone feel guilty for living it your way.

17. Train your mind to see the good in every situation.

18. Not giving a fuck is better than revenge.

19. People lie, action do not .

20. Sometimes you do not get closure, you just move on.

21.The more i find myself , the more people lose.

22. Do not let it break you. no matter how hard it gets, life goes on.

23. Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happyness.

24. You are your only limit.

25. Big or small lies are lies.

26. If you want it work for it it is that simple.

27. When you doubt your power you give power to your doubt.

28.The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

29. I have learnt that i still have a lot to learn.

30. You can not change what has already happened, so do not waste your time thinking about it move on, let go, and get over it.

31. People are more what they hide than what they show.

32. Sometimes being too kind is what gets you hurt.

33. The things you say about others, say a lot about you,

34. Do not judge a situation you have never been in.

35. There is strenth in being vulnerable.

36. Do not be easy to define let them wonder about you.

37.No regrets in life just lessons learnt,

38. If it is important to you, you will find a way, if not you will find an excuse,

39. I am very cautious of people whose actions do not match their words.

40. No matter the situation never let your emotions overpower your intelligence.

41. So many assume so little know.

42. Believe in yourself, you are braver than you think more talented than you know and capable of more than you imagine.

43.Distance myself from bullshit.

44. Talk much and they think you are a fool , be silent and the become curious.

45.Be strong you never know who you are inspiring

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vikas kumar

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